Coparent Counseling in Georgia & Online Support Group


Co-Parenting Counseling is for parents, whether divorced, separated, or together, who are having a difficult time agreeing on how to parent their children effectively. When parents divorce or separate, many have a challenging time getting past the loss of the relationship, the intense feelings of hurt, anger, regret, guilt, and grief to find common ground to create a healthy transition and environment for the children. Other parents who are still married or together may have difficulty finding common ground on how to parent their children without sending mixed messages to the children. Co-Parenting counseling will help you discuss parenting methods, and belief systems about parenting, and work through the emotions and feelings dealing with separation or disagreements centered on you and your partner's parenting.

What is High Conflict Co-Parenting Counseling?

Are you in a High-Conflict Coparenting Relationship?

Will we be able to make it work?

You are trying to be the bigger person and co-parent in the best possible way but you are receiving resistance from the other parent or you can't seem to get past your own emotions. 

Reclaim Your Peace of Mind in Your Parenting Journey

Coparenting is very overwhelming for most people. Conflict between parents can overshadow the task at hand…raising happy, healthy, and well-wounded children. If you are struggling to get past the past, being able to communicate properly, or finding common ground you are certainly not alone. Online coparent counseling with Empowered Transitions Counseling has been designed to tackle these issues and help you navigate your coparenting experience with confidence and compassion. Not only will this help you and your peace of mind, it will help your children

Benefits of Coparent Counseling

Parenting counseling offers you a way to reduce stress, understand and recognize your triggers and decrease conflict. This can be done by learning how to cope with change, resistance, and emotional triggers. Counseling for parents can help you release your child from negative feelings of disloyalty, acting out, being alienated from the other parent, and have a better sense of self and confidence.
Co-Parenting Counseling will allow you to learn about and share with others your experience in:

  • The Challenges of Parenting Alone or in a Blended Family

  • Preventing and Resolving Conflicts

  • Improve Communication with your Child/Spouse/Ex-Spouse

  • Process Feelings of Resentment/Anger/Sadness/Guilt

  • Behavioral Changes within Yourself or Your Child

  • Prevent or Stop Parental Alienation

coparent classes

Parenting is hard PERIOD. But coparenting in a high-conflict situation especially when there is unresolved tension and miscommunication. The coparent counseling sessions I offer:

  • Can help you learn and implement healthier ways to communicate between co-parents, even in high-conflict situations.

  • Help you establish clear, sustainable boundaries

  • Focus on creating a collaborative parenting plan that prioritizes your child’s well-being

  • Provide you with tools to manage emotional triggers and de-escalate conflicts.

  • Reduce stress and promote stability for both you and your children.

  • Empower you to approach co-parenting with confidence and clarity

  • Highlights ways coparents can weaponize interactions and access to the children and figure out ways to not use the children as pawns

Imagine a day when you and your coparent are working together without unnecessary conflict. Offering this virtually, allows each person to have an opportunity to speak and be heard and to engage in the sessions safely and from the comforts of your own space. It creates a neutral and non-threatening space to address and resolve your coparenting challenges.

Common Consequences of Toxic Coparenting

  • Loyalty Bond

    A loyalty bond occurs when a coparent uses manipulation, usually due to feelings of loss of control or extreme feelings of resentment, to guide their children to take their side against the other coparent and cutting off that parent. This causes the children to suffer physically and emotionally.

  • Abandonment

    Some high conflict coparenting situations are so toxic and emotionally, mentally, and physically damaging that some parents decide to cut off communication from the toxic parent and thus disconnecting from the children and abandoning them.

  • Borderline Personality Traits

    Coparenting can bring out the worst in people. Although the parent may not be diagnosed with BPD, some parents exhibit similar traits that you may have seen or never experienced with them before like explosive unwarranted rage, vindictive, fear of abandonment & mood swings.

  • Narcissistic Personality Traits

    Another common personality change that show up in coparenting are narcissistic traits. Although the parent may not be diagnosed with NPD, some parents exhibit similar traits that you may have seen or never experienced with them before like gaslighting, lack of empathy, self-absorbed, entitlement, demeaning actions or comments while trying to seem superior and/or charming and projecting a perception of being well put together.

  • Parental Alienation

    Children can be subjected to a coparent, purposely and with ill-intent, deny the child’s interaction with the targeted parent by cutting off all communication and contact or by relentless criticism of the other parent that will persuade the child to not want to interact with the targeted parent thus blaming the child for the lack of or desire to see the targeted parent.

  • Boundary Violation

    Boundaries are often broken when trying to coparent during high conflict. After parents have decided to separate or divorce, it can present a problem on how to navigate the type of access and amount of access to give without sacrificing your own boundaries or your children’s boundaries. This also presents the problem of a coparent undermining rules and boundaries that are in place to rear, guide, and protect the child.

How I Can Help…

I provide a space of understanding and non-judgment within a support group to help parents that are just having a hard time coping with co-parenting. I offer an approach to sort through all the emotions that are aiding the conflict and help you create a home environment that is positive for you and your child. I am here to support you with moving on with your life and acquire the skills to needed to build a strong bond with your child, have the skills to effectively communicate, and resolve conflicts. With online group therapy, coparent counseling can easily be fit into your hectic day and be conducted in a private, safe space of your choice.


01. Initial Consultation (If necessary).
We can start with a 10-minute consultation for $20 so I can understand your unique situation and discuss how I can help. This small investment ensures we’re the right fit for your needs.

02. Tailored Counseling Sessions
Your sessions are designed to meet your specific challenges of high-conflict co-parenting. Based on the first completed intake session, your counseling sessions will be tailored to the issues causing the conflict, how you are responding to it and what tools are needed to improve communication, setting boundaries, and creating collaborative strategies between both coparents.

03. Lasting Solutions for Co-Parenting
You both can gain lasting and effective tools that will help your coparenting relationship flourish and thrive with mutual respect for each other.


Frustrated About Your Coparenting and you both can’t get on the same page?

It’s not easy to coparent with your ex under these circumstances. You have to have contact because of the children. But you need to learn to communicate more effectively, and get support with the emotions and thoughts that are triggered. I can support & guide you through this.

  1. Reach out today and schedule a phone consultation with me.

  2. Each parent completes an individual session and then we coordinate and begin virtual joint sessions to help resolve the challenges coming up in your coparenting relationship.

  3. Feel the freedom that can come when you are able to coparent with less stress and less conflict.




To find out how I can help, schedule a phone, no-obligation, consultation. The quickest way to reach me is to call my office cell 770-294-4006. Cosultation fees are waived if contacted via phone without scheduling a consultation.

Other Online Mental Health Resources

Let’s face it COPARENTING IS HARD. Sometimes coparenting doesn’t work out because a parent has unresolved issues stemming from the relationship, separation, or divorce. Some issues may be come from past family history. It is important that things that are addressed and resolved to prevent them from impacting how you coparent. That is why I offer a wide range of mental health supports through my online counseling practice. In addition to relationship counseling, I also offer marriage counseling, premarital counseling and other individual counseling services for adults. Many people also benefit from the support of a group. It helps to know you aren’t alone. Therefore, I also offer a variety of support groups including a group for surviving breakups, a mom support group, coparent group and a divorce recovery group for men as well as a divorce recovery group for women. Whatever your need is, I can help you learn to connect with others in a healthier way. Please reach out and get the support you deserve.

Get Started in 3 Easy Steps

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Not Ready for Therapy Yet?

Check out these additional blog posts, courses, and many other resources that can help you get through the stressors of dealing with a high conflict coparenting situation.

Resources & Journals


Book A Phone Consultation

Additional Services

  • Individual online therapy for adults

    Online Adult Therapy

    Online adult therapy for with stress, boundaries, anxiety, & more.

  • Anxiety therapy for adults online

    Anxiety Therapy

    Getting help for anxiety and how it is impacting everyday life.


    Online Men's Groups

    Online support group for men dealing with divorce, coparenting, and other life challenges.

  • Online and virtual groups for women

    Online Women's Groups

    Online support group for women and women color. Get support for breakups, motherhood struggles, and more.

  • Relationship counseling online for adults with individual challenges within their relationship

    Relationship Counseling

    Individual Counseling for adults having difficulty in their relationships.